Joey, Leung

Joey, Ka-yin Leung is an artist based in China. She mixes traditional art and pop cultures. She also includes poetry in her work: 
Why do you offer your kiss
Turning a frog into a man
Human is selfish and stupid
Destroying the nature without a cause
One day this garden covers in cement,
steel and dust
No need to ask what has been done
Your kiss is the origin of this run
(credits to emptykingdom and cuadernoderetazos).

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

No se si has cerrado esta ventana o te asomas de vez en cuando. Solo quiero desearte lo mejor para ti y toda tu familia. (esta es una ápoca del año en que se puede decir esas cosas con naturalidad y sin parecer una entrometida o algo chiflada)
un abrazo

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